Bringing the Blanche Sprentz Community together and supporting our students, teachers & Staff.
Blanche Sprentz Elementary PTO offers multiple events, assemblies and teacher support throughout the school year. Check this site regularly to be up-to-date on what's happening at the school and find out how you can be involved, all student families are welcome to join the PTO!
Keep up with us by attending meetings and follow us on Socials!
24-25 PTO Board Members
Ashley Ho
president (at) bsepto (dot) org
Donavon Gray
treasurer (at) bsepto (dot) org
Vice President
Roxy Lockhart
vp (at) bsepto (dot) org
Sara Montgomery
secretary (at) bsepto (dot) org
Vice President
Kara Lundquist
vicepresident (at) bsepto (dot) org
Committee Chairs
Bear Run
Jen McKinney
bearrun (at) bsepto (dot) org
Book Vending Machine
Mandi O'Brien
Enrichment Programs
Erika Graham​
Dine & Donate
Daron & Jamie Bracht
dineanddonate (at) bsepto (dot) org
Jen McKinney
garden (at) bsepto (dot) org
T & S Appreciation
Christie Shea
ac (at) bsepto (dot) org
Spirit Store
Kara Lundquist
spiritstore (at) bsepto (dot) org