Friendship Grams!
$1 each or $15 entire class*
*$10 for preschool
Friendship Grams include a colorful, woven friendship bracelet with a personalized message.
You can send a friendship bracelet to your best friend, favorite teachers or whole class! Parents are also welcome to send one to their child/children.
Return your completed & cut Friendship Grams in the order envelope sent home with payment of $1 per friendship gram, $15 per class. If you are not sending them to the entire class, pay for each gram (For example, if you send to 22 classmates, the cost is $22.) If you send to your whole class ($15) plus 2 friends in other classes ($2), your total would be $17.
If you want to send a FG to a friend in another class, pick up a blank Friendship Gram form in the front office. Turn in with others to your teacher in your attached order envelope.
Cash or check only. Please make checks payable to Blanche Sprentz PTO. No change will be provided.
Friendship Grams must be turned into your teacher by 2/7 and will be delivered 2/14.
Join the Assembly Team!
We greatly enjoy celebrating Friendship at Blanche and each February students can send out Friendship Grams to their classmates, friends, teachers and staff. This is no small undertaking to make it happen. Consider volunteering (as much or as little) to help us spread the friendship vibes around campus.